Spectrolite & Sterling Silver 7x Ring by Joe Glover
Joe Glover
Originally from La Junta Colorado, Joe first developed an interest in minerals and fossils hiking in Palo Duro Canyon in the West Texas panhandle during visits to his uncle’s cabin perched on the rim. That curiosity about stones led to him pursuing a BS in Geology from West Texas State in 1982. After graduation he moved to the Santa Fe area and has remained here since, the last 15 years in a modest but proud ranch home in Pecos.
Picking up rocks and minerals he liked from just about everywhere he went, he eventually taught himself silversmithing so the stones could be fashioned into functional jewelry. Being self taught is “vastly overrated” he says. “What can take hours to learn by trial and error can be taught in minutes by someone that actually knows what they are doing.”
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SKU: 114160
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