Kenneth Bonner
Jemez Pueblo
Ken Bonner was first inspired to paint in England in the late 1960's.
Genetics played a part in his development as an artist. Both of his parents showed talent in their respective artistic endeavours; his father through paint and graphic design and his mother through textile art. In his early years of creative adventures Ken became smitten with wildlife photography. He spent many years visiting Southern Africa photographing the exhilarating landscapes and wildlife. His senses were in awe of this visually rich experience, and it has continued to influence the expression of his creativity.
On a 'whim' Ken went to Mexico for a 'blind date'. 'It worked'. He moved there in 2006 and married Patricia, a wonderful Australian adventurer, who was running her own B & B in La Paz, Baja Sur. The rich beauty and colour of the Baja provided fantastic inspiration for painting and helped Ken develop his technique significantly. He was fortunate enough to have the Tres Virgenes Gallery in the centre of La Paz, dedicated exclusively to his work. He produced many commissions and large works during this period mostly sold to an appreciative Northern American and European market.
During an exploratory visit to Santa Fe in 2012 Ken became impassioned to explore and capture in oils the colors and light in the subjects and scenery of the Southwest.
Ken and Patricia returned to Australia and made their plans to move to Santa Fe which was finally achieved in November 2013. After arriving in Santa Fe, Ken could be seen wandering the streets, hillsides and trails, while muttering and observing, “the light, the light”, apparently a common exclamation of most artists when first experiencing the clarity of light, shadows and dimensions created at this high altitude of Santa Fe.
Ken Bonners approach and style is distinct and unique. His style has been described as "impressionistic realism.” Each piece produced is highly original and is a creation which evolves during many layers of application. The artist starts with a vision and then allows the concept to take on its own life. The aim is to stimulate and please the eye through composition and color impact. The works are predominantly in oil.